YouTube videos

The latest Dexxter Clark videos from YouTube
Best MIDI keyboard buyers guide

Best MIDI keyboard buyers guide

[VIDEO] What is the best MIDI keyboard. In this video a buyers guide with tips on how to choose the best MIDI keyboard. What do you have to look out for?

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Top 5 Best Mac computers for music production

Top 5 Best Mac computers for music production

[VIDEO] What is the best Mac computer for music production? In this video I`ll dive into the different models of Mac computers available on the market and look at why they are suited or not.

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ULTIMATE Studio One 4 tutorial for beginners

ULTIMATE Studio One 4 tutorial for beginners

[VIDEO] This is the ULTIMATE presonus studio one 4 tutorial for beginners. In this 35 minute video I`ll explain the absolute basics of Studio One to get a jump start in producing with this amazing ...

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Best music production sound interface for beginners

[VIDEO] What is the best sound card for the beginner music producer? Is a cheap audio interface sufficient or do you need an expensive one? In this video a sound card buyers guide for beginner ...

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Music production equipment for beginners - what you REALLY need

Music production equipment for beginners - what you REALLY need

[VIDEO] What music production equipment do you need for music production when you are a beginner? Without the BS, without the fluff, what do you REALLY need to start music production? It may surprise ...

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What is the difference compressor and limiter? Music production for beginners

What is the difference compressor and limiter? Music production for beginners

[VIDEO] What is the difference between a compressor and a limiter? A compressor and limiter both reduce volume. Only their goals is different. A limiter is `limiting` a sound so it doesn`t clip ...

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AMD or Intel processor for music production

AMD or Intel processor for music production

[VIDEO] In this video I`m gonna take a look at the question: Which processor is better for music production: AMD or Intel. AMD is a pretty good processor, that is not what I`m disputing in this ...

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Best processor for music production

Best processor for music production

[VIDEO] What is the best processor for music production? What processor should you choose for music production? How many cores should a processor have? Intel i5, i7 or i9? Why should you choose ...

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Razer Blade (stealth) good for music production

Razer Blade (stealth) good for music production

[VIDEO] I got asked the question: What about Razer Blade (stealth), is it good for music production? To be honest, I don`t know the brand very well, so I asked the owner of a computer store. I ...

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CDJ 2000 Nexus 2: Media file formats (FLAC, AIFF, WAV, MP3)

[VIDEO] What audio (file) formats does the CDJ 2000 Nexus 2 support? In this CDJ 2000 tutorial I`ll show you: FLAC, AIFF, ALAC, AAC? The media formats of the CDJ 2000 nexus 2 are wide, but which ...

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